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Instrumental Specific Classes


9th/10th grade Winds Block and Brass Block – These two classes are specifically for the 2020-21 school year due to Covid-19. In this class, students would focus on solo work, etudes, and scales. On some days they would be on remote calls, while on other days they would be participating in this class at school. How the class is conducted is up to the teacher.


11th/12th grade Winds Block and Brass Block– These two classes are specifically for the 2020-21 school year due to Covid-19. In this class, students would focus on solo work, etudes, and scales. On some days they would be on remote calls, while on other days they would be participating in this class at school. How the class is conducted is up to the teacher.


9th/10th grade Strings Block – This class is specifically for the 2020-21 school year due to Covid-19. In this class, students would focus on solo work, etudes, and scales. On some days they would be on remote calls, while on other days they would be participating in this class at school. During school, they would play in social distance chamber ensembles together.


11th/12th grade Strings Block – This class is specifically for the 2020-21 school year due to Covid-19. In this class, students would focus on solo work, etudes, and scales. On some days they would be on remote calls, while on other days they would be participating in this class at school. During school, they would play in social distance chamber ensembles together.


Music Theory 2/3 – This year-long course is for sophomore instrumental majors. This course begins with the basic concepts of triad chord inversions and figured bass line and soprano line harmonization using inversions. Students are introduced to the 7th Chords and the complete and incomplete versions of the Dominant 7th Chord. Topics covered include the second inversion chord progressions and the secondary triads of the scale. Basic concepts of cadences and cadence chord progressions are begun. 


Beginner Winds (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE)– This year-long class is for freshman wind instruments. It focuses on techniques and etudes for wind instruments.


Intermediate Winds (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE)– This year-long class is for freshman and sophomore wind instruments. Students play in small wind groups and work on various different techniques.


Advanced Winds (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE)– This year-long class is for freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior wind instruments. Students work in small groups to work on chamber music for wind instruments.


Winds Chamber Music (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE)– This course is for advanced winds players and advanced pianists. It is a year-long course, which involves serious study and performance of the standard chamber music literature for woodwind, brass instruments, piano/string trio, and selected ensemble combinations. This class prepares students for participation in the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center’s annual Young Musicians’ Competition.


Strings Chamber Music (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE)– This course is for advanced string players and advanced pianists. It is a year-long course, which involves serious study and performance of the standard chamber music literature for string quartet, piano/string trio, and selected ensemble combinations. This class prepares students for participation in the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center’s annual Young Musicians’ Competition.


Junior Strings (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE)– This is for the string players in Junior Orchestra. This course is for honing in on specific sections of the pieces that the whole orchestra plays and focusing on pieces strictly for string orchestra.


Senior Strings (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE)– This is for the string players in Senior Orchestra. This course is for honing in on specific sections of the pieces that the whole orchestra plays and focusing on pieces strictly for string orchestra.





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