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Vocal & Instrumental Classes:


New Music Ensemble – New Music Ensemble is a showcase performance group for the contemporary writer and arranger. Students learn to write, arrange, and produce their own music while developing creative independence and confidence. Course requirements include: organizing and formalizing showcase material and arrangements, written scores, rehearsal tapes, rehearsal time, staging, and performance partners. Culminating project includes the ability of the student-songwriter to “sell” his/her product to class members and outside contacts, and to participate in local and national songwriting contests.


Music Technology – Hands-on studio experience in using synthesizers, computers, and recording technology.

(Due to COVID-19 we have moved this completely to a remote experience.)


Sight-Singing – Students learn the basics of reading and writing music and standard musical notation. The Sol-fa system is used for students to be able to sing melodies, and the ability to write melodies and rhythms through melodic and rhythmic dictation is emphasized.


Music Theory 1, Instrumental & Vocal – Music Theory 1 introduces students to music fundamentals such as musical notation, modes, and scales. Students learn the different qualities of triad chord construction and the beginning of four-part harmonic writing. Melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic dictations, as well as ear training exercises, are an integral component of this course of study.


Music Theory 2, Instrumental & Vocal – Music Theory 2 begins with the basic concepts of triad chord inversions and figured bass line and soprano line harmonization using inversions. Students are introduced to the 7th Chords and the complete and incomplete versions of the Dominant 7th Chord. Topics covered include the second inversion chord progressions and the secondary triads of the scale. Basic concepts of cadences and cadence chord progressions are begun. Non-harmonic tones ae also covered. Ear training, sight singing, and dictation continue to be integral component.


Music Theory, Advanced Placement – This is a college- level course; upon completion, students are expected to sit for the AP examination. This course emphasizes aural and visual identification of procedures based in common-practice tonality: functional triadic harmony in traditional four-voice texture (with vocabulary including nonharmonic tones, seventh chords, and secondary dominants). Topics include cadences, melodic and harmonic compositional processes (e.g., sequence, motivic development), standard rhythms and meters, phrase structure (e.g., contrasting period, phrase group), small forms (e.g., rounded binary, simple ternary, theme and variation, strophic), and modulation to closely related keys. A brief introduction to twentieth-century scales, choral structures, and compositional procedures is included. Ear training, sight singing, and dictation continue to be integral component.


Music History – Music History is a full-year survey of Western music from ancient times to the present. It is offered to Juniors who have completed their theory sequence and aims to familiarize students with the sounds, structures, trends, forms, and composers of European art music. Completion of the Music Theory sequence is the pre-requisite for this course. It culminated in the Music Comprehensive Examination.


Jazz Improvisation – Study of the basic approach to improvisation through the study and playing of compositions, chords, and scales. The study and understanding of jazz forms in the bomco setting and a strong emphasis on time, meter, jazz swing feel, and the ability to work together.


Piano, Beginning – This course will develop skill in learning to play the piano. Beginning concepts such as basic music theory, chord construction, rhythmic and harmonic knowledge will be applied throughout this course. 

(Due to COVID-19, this has become a remote class just for Seniors)


Intermediate Piano – This year-long class is for freshman piano majors. It focuses on 4 hand piano and various pieces spanning different eras of music. 

(Due to COVID-19, this has become a remote class just for Seniors)


Advanced Piano – This year-long class is for freshman piano majors and also open as an elective.  It focuses on 4 hand piano and various pieces spanning different eras of music. 

(Due to COVID-19, this has become a remote class just for Seniors)


Guitar, Beginning (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE) – This year long course is open to third and fourth-year instrumental and vocal students. Students learn the basic principles of beginning guitar technique, including tuning, melodic fingering and bar chords.


Jazz Studies (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE) – This year-long course is taken in place of Music History and culminates with a three-hour comprehensive examination in June. This history course is a detailed study of the history of American Jazz from its inception to the modern era.


Recording Studio (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE) – This year-long course is an intensive study of the history of sound recording and hands-on experience with studio equipment and its applications to mastering and mixing recorded material.




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© 2020 by Leo Sano and Danielle Wu (created with

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